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Food Facility Packaging Line Expansion

CLIENT: Global Aseptic Food Manufacturer PROJECT:  Packaging Line Expansion BACKGROUND: The site wanted to expand with 2 new packaging lines but was concerned about the existing utilities capacities. ADF was asked to perform studies to evaluate each utility to determine…

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Extraction Facility Energy Savings

CLIENT: Multinational Oilseeds Manufacturer PROJECT:  Flash Steam Recovery and Wastewater Evaporator Preheat BACKGROUND: A site had previously performed a high-level energy audit to identify potential energy savings projects. ADF Engineering was brought in to evaluate the projects and determine which…

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Feed Plant Modernization

Feed Plant Modernization

CLIENT: Multinational Animal Feed and Nutrition Supplier PROJECT:  $50MM Existing Plant Renovation including new Automated Weighing & Dosing System addition BACKGROUND:  After a qualification-based selection process involving several leading engineering companies, the client selected ADF Engineering to convert a newly…

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Chemical Company Debottlenecking

A chemical company working with cyclodextrin, toluene, and decane needed to increase yearly production by 10% in the first year of operation and maintain an additional 20% after to meet growing customer demand. WORK COMPLETED: The project was completed in…

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Dry Milling Airflow

Our client wanted an evaluation of airflow at five of their pet care production facilities. The evaluations included equipment audits and airflow analysis on pneumatic lift hammermill systems and plenum hammermill systems. The evaluation we needed to determine if the…

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Protein Concentrate Piping And Layout

The client approached ADF with an engineering design for a vegetable based protein concentrate facility design which combined new and repurposed equipment and piping from an existing plant. This project involved both creation and modification of P&IDs for the process.…

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