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Oilseed Extraction Area Expansion

CLIENT: Multinational Oilseed Processor PROJECT: Existing Plant Extraction Expansion including new Desolventizer Toaster & Dryer Cooler (DT and DC) BACKGROUND: After a qualification based selection process involving several leading engineering companies, the client selected ADF Engineering to upgrade and increase…

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Liquid Malt Extract Plant Expansion

This Ohio malt producer needed to expand their existing malt production facility to install a new vacuum belt spray dryer, new packaging equipment, new product receiving and blending equipment, new MCC room and new office and break areas. WORK COMPLETED:…

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Pet Care Facility Mill Building Renovation

This Midwestern pet food manufacturer required assistance in renovating their facility that was built more than 30 years ago. The initial mill building portion of the facility was built in 1987 with an addition almost double the number of storage…

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Steel Mill Boiler Design and Installation

The integrated steel mill uses Goggle valves to isolate downstream flow. These valves render an absolute tight shut off in blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace applications to assure the safety of personnel working downstream. The client wanted to exchange…

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Iowa Ethanol Plant Expansion

The Iowa Ethanol Producer needed to repurpose existing buildings and structures, as well as add two new buildings, to be able to install a new DDG decanting, drying, and loading system. This project started in the conceptual phase and went through…

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