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International Women in Engineering Logo for 2024

To celebrate International Women In Engineering Day, we sat down with a few of our female engineers to ask what inspired them to start a career in engineering and share a little bit about their personal journeys.

Maria Corsi, Structural Engineer
Headshot of Maria Corsi, ADF Engineering

Maria Corsi is a dedicated and passionate structural engineer who has transformed her love for art, math, and science into a rewarding career. 

Her journey from curious student to accomplished professional in the engineering field is a testament to her determination and love for problem-solving. With a robust educational background and a diverse range of experiences, she has made significant contributions to the field of structural engineering.

We sat down with Maria and asked her a few questions about her engineering journey to celebrate this year’s International Women in Engineering Day. 

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

Growing up, I loved math and science. I also had a strong interest in art and even considered becoming an art therapist. 

Initially, I started in architecture, pursuing a double major in architecture and structural engineering. Ultimately, I chose to focus solely on structural engineering, graduating in 2015.

I then went to grad school in upstate New York for a PhD in structural engineering but decided I’d enjoy working in the industry more than on the academic side of things. 

After obtaining my Master’s degree, I then joined ADF Engineering.

Can you describe a project or accomplishment that you are particularly proud of?

My senior year capstone project stands out as a significant accomplishment. 

A group of civil engineers worked together to design a building, each member representing a different area of engineering. 

We took an existing masonry building and, hypothetically, demolished the entire interior while preserving the masonry. 

This project helped me understand the practical applications of engineering and the importance of collaboration across different subsets of the field.

Are there any skills or attributes that you believe are particularly important for success in engineering?

Communication is crucial, especially in conveying what is done. 

Engineers work with numerous entities, departments, and specialties, as well as with clients and contractors and effective communication ensures everyone is on the same page and that the projects run smoothly.

Amanda Saluke, Mechanical Designer
Headshot of Amanda Saluke - ADF Engineering

Amanda Saluke is a dynamic and driven engineer whose journey into the field was inspired by a combination of her technical skills and the guidance of her mother. 

Amanda’s path from computer-aided drafting to becoming a successful engineer showcases her adaptability and passion for learning. Her story not only showcases her own dedication but also serves as an inspiration to young women considering a career in engineering.

We asked Amanda a few questions about her engineering journey to celebrate this year’s International Women in Engineering Day. 

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

I started my journey with computer-aided drafting.

My mother, recognizing my talents, suggested that engineering would be a better fit than multimedia design. This advice set me on a path that perfectly combined my technical skills with my creative problem-solving abilities.

What advice would you give to young women who are considering a career in engineering?

Take time to explore the various fields within engineering before choosing one. 

I advise young women to look at mechanical, electrical, structural, architectural, and other fields to find the one that best fits their passions. Finding a field you are passionate about is key to driving success.

Can you share a memorable moment or experience from your engineering journey that has left a lasting impact on you?

The most memorable aspect of my engineering journey has been the people I have surrounded myself with. 

Being around passionate and supportive colleagues has created a positive work environment, further fueling my own passion for the field. Additionally, client projects and interactions have also left a lasting impact, reinforcing my dedication and enthusiasm for my work.

Sanja Marin, Structural Designer
Headshot of Sanja Marin - ADF Engineering

Sanja Marin is a dedicated and passionate designer whose journey into the world of structural design is both inspiring and unique. 

Her background and experiences have shaped her into a skilled professional, thriving in the collaborative and dynamic environment at ADF. 

We asked Sanja a few questions about her career path into engineering design to celebrate this year’s International Women in Engineering Day. 

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue a career in design? 

My journey began when I came to the United States due to war.

My mother played a crucial role in guiding me towards this career path. I pursued studies in structural architecture and design, and started out learning drafting software at Sinclair.

For the past ten years, I have been doing structural design at ADF Engineering and the team at ADF solidified my career decision, as I enjoy our work and continue to learn and grow in a supportive environment.

Can you walk us through your educational journey and any key milestones that have shaped your career?

Working at ADF has provided me with a diverse range of projects, which has encouraged and motivated me to learn more. The ever-changing nature of the work and the impressive portfolio of completed designs have been key milestones that continually inspire me. 

Each project brings new challenges and opportunities for growth, making my career journey exciting and fulfilling.

What motivates you to keep pushing forward in your career?

I am deeply passionate about the field of industrial engineering.

I appreciate the interdependence required to complete projects, where each team member relies on one another like a family. This collaborative aspect drives me to push forward and strive for success, knowing that our collective efforts lead to remarkable achievements.